Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Water Water Water

We had lunch in the WATER.  We sailed in the WATER.  My Blackberry got killed by WATER.  Quite a watery afternoon -  LOL!

Here is the Beach Pool where we had lunch.  Water was pretty cold when you got in, but you warmed up a bit.  I've never eaten in a pool before - gotta be careful you don't drop anything!

This is a lounge area by the Beach Pool - very nice and shaded to sit and relax.  Richard is in the far back enjoying a chat with Ian.

That is Necker Belle in the distance (big catameran that 4 of the guests are staying at.

Richard took everyone sailing this afternoon - 5 boats - I've never sailed before - quite the artful technique to it - luckily my only task to was switch which side of the boat I was on when we tacked.  Being a neophyte sailor, I didn't quite understand how wet you were going to get.  I was at the front of the sailboat and took several good dosings - I had my Blackberry in my pocket from the earlier session when I was tweeting....it didn't do so well from the dosings of salt water :( and has died what appears to be an accidental drowning!  Oh well....no excited phone calls to my mom now, and I will just have to be relagated to tweeting from the computer at night.  Nothing frankly could dampen my enthusiasm on this trip!  You have to look at the positive - my phone/text charges will be lower this month...:)

Here are some very cool sea turtles that decided to go for a stroll on the path - they were lovely to see.  I believe I get to feed the lemurs tomorrow - can't wait!

It is now raining here and the Star Gazing with our astrophysicist has been moved to tomorrow and the Q&A with Richard will be moved to tonight.  Should be more than interesting! 

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